If you are looking for a zany way to spend time with the one you love this Valentine’s Day, Sister is at it again in ‘Til Death Do Us Part at Stages Theater in Houston, Texas!
‘Til Death Do Us Part offers a comedic yet introspective look at marriage and dying. What do the two have in common? They are both sacraments of the Catholic Church, rites set apart to help us live our lives with holy regard toward God. Sister explores both with her usual flare. She is both compelling and surprising!
If it’s your first time with Sister, you will be an unsususpecting victim of her Catholic guilt and guidance! But if you’ve been before, you know you are in for a good time!
You have to experience it to know what we are talking about and why we so wholeheartedly recommend the Late Nite Catechism productions! They are all great and not to be missed!
Find out more at StagesHouston.com