Best Rated Reviews uses a 5-star standard to evaluate products and services in travel + leisure. We only recommend companies and products which qualify for our “good” “better” and “best” 3-star, 4-star, and 5-star ratings. If a product or service does not meet our “best of the best” standard, we issue a recommendation report to the company or service with suggestions on how to improve their product or service for future rating consideration
Companies who qualify for our review recommendations as good, better, or best (3-star “good”, 4-star “very good” or 5-star “best of the best” must meet these four criteria in order to qualify for our recommendations:
EXCELLENT QUALITY – Product or service must be made with quality material and care.
EXCELLENT HOSPITALITY – Company or customer service representatives serving business or product needs must be attentive, professional, and enthusiastic toward clients and product or service they represent.
MEMORABLE EXPERIENCE – Whether product or service, does it leave a positive experience or memory with the client or consumer? Is it memorable? Does it stand out to them as the “best of the best”?
Companies who do NOT qualify for our standard include:
- Companies whose product or services are cheaply made with poor quality materials which do not last. (For example, some shoe companies invest in quality materials and craftsmanship which cause their product to last and others don’t.). Critics may say, “Well, you get what you pay for. If you pay $50 for shoes instead of $200, you should expect them to fall apart.” We endorse Consumerism Integrity, which is a phrase we coined to explain the consumer’s right to a well-made product for their hard-earned money, whether just a few dollars or thousands, products should be made with quality and care.
- Companies whose product or services contain deceptive marketing or packaging. (For example, many potato chip companies do not meet our standard because the large bag of potato chips gives the appearance the consumer is receiving a full bag of potato chips. However, when a person opens it, it is only half full. We call this practice deceptive marketing/cheating the consumer.)
- Companies whose employees or customer service personnel do not engage clients and consumers with excellence, professionalism, or consideration.
Companies who meet our 5-Star Standard and stand out in their field as superior may receive our Excellence Award, indicating their products and services are among the “best of the best”, achieving the highest excellence in their industry, region, and among competitors.